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We've been waiting for you to come to this place...

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About Us

The Garden Patch Play School strives to be a community honoring children, parents and teachers who are in the process of growing.


A safe place of belonging that offers children the gift of time and a big open space to explore and take risks. A place of joy, a place of curiosity, a place of love and wonder.


Our Patch community is built on respect and trust and we honor children and work to form a deep connection and a nurturing partnership with families.


We are all capable of great things and we will always champion the rights of children to have this time to play and grow. 


Our Mission


The Garden Patch Play School is an IRS approved, non-profit corporation. The Patch is an independently operated, nonsectarian program. Its primary focus is to provide a safe and inviting natural outdoor environment for children to play and grow at their own pace.



Our Philosophy


The Garden Patch Play School is a reflection of multiple educational theories and philosophies, all of which are linked to a model of education called social constructivism. Social constructivism emphasizes collaboration and the exchange of ideas in an environment which is more child-centered, than teacher-directed and which concentrates more on thinking and understanding rather than simply recalling facts and  performing on cue. 

At The Garden Patch Play School, your children ARE the curriculum. Our goal is to form a deep connection with each individual in our group and work to create the best learning patch together. Through observation, we will get to know where they are developmentally. We look at the whole child - their physical development, social, and emotional, language development and cognitive skills.


They will have experiences with art, science, and sensory, as well as opportunities to take risks and challenge their gross and fine motor skills. We will truly have an emergent curriculum as teachers will be able to follow children’s interests and supplement with materials to expand their learning. The environment is really our extra teacher at the Patch as we will use the Garden, Sandbox, and Mud pit - we’ll run and have obstacle courses in the Meadow, and swing as high as the sky.

Visit our Programs page for information on each program, enrollment and more.

Our Team

Ranging from early childhood educators, playworkers, artists, and beyond, our faculty at The Garden Patch Play School are a community of like minded and warm hearted individuals who all believe in creating a place of wonder, love, and respect for our children to grow.



“My son had been to two other preschools prior to starting at The Patch. They were good schools but we wanted something that aligned more with our parenting style and that offered a different environment for our active little guy.

I literally have to drag him home at the end of every day at The Patch. He begs to stay longer no matter how long he has been there. The teachers are passionate, creative, caring, and wonderful with cultivating a fun loving space for kids to be kids. We are so thankful to be part of such a beautiful community!”

 Melanie Gingrich


Visit Us!

Call or Message Us for more information. Or set up a tour with us today!

Garden Patch Play School
24436 Valley Street
Newhall, CA 91321

Garden Patch Play School

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
7:30am to 5:00pm

Visit Us


We host tours every 3rd Tuesday at 9:30a and every 3rd Thursday at 5pm.
If either of those days and times do not work for your family please email us to schedule a tour at a different time.

Which Program(s) are you interested in? (check all that apply)
When would you like your tour?
Thanks for scheduling a tour with us!
We will reach out shortly to set something up
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